Warwick’s Indian Cave Trip, 2001

While the Autumn mist was lifting this past Saturday, 15 people of all ages convened at the Warwick Library, to await departure to the Warwick Indian Caves. Introductions were shared and we realized that Elaine Reardon brought almost half of the adventurers, as either...

Plum Island Field Trip 2001

Sixteen members of the Athol Bird and Nature Club spent a glorious Indian Summer Day on Massachusetts’ North Coast and the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge (PRNWR) on Plum Island. Veteran trip leader Mark Taylor guided the group through the various habitats...

Classical Music Concert, June 2001

On June 2nd the Old Main Street School building in Athol found a new use. The Athol Bird and Nature Club packed the Millers River Environmental Center hall for an extraordinary evening of music on harpsichord, classical guitar and piano. Ms. Deborah Nunes on the...

Insects as Water Quality Indicators Workshops

May 17, 19, and May 23 These workshops provided participants with an introduction to the macro-invertebrates that are used as signs of healthy streams or streams that are distressed. Joe Dunn of the Franklin County Regional Council of Governments and Sue Cloutier led...