Room Reservations

The MREC is now wheelchair accessible!

A multi-front plan for a replacement has been completed. Our members and friends donated $15,000 toward the lift project, and the Town of Athol supported the project by providing the rest of the funds needed to build the $80,000 lift. Thanks to everyone who help make this project a reality. 

Two rooms at the Center are available for the use of members, their family and friends, and various local groups by arrangement.

The East Room is the smaller of the two and can  hold up to 20 people. The West Room is larger, can accommodate 50 people, and has a kitchen facility. 

Both rooms are on the first floor and are accessible. They can be arranged to meet multiple needs with stackable chairs and folding tables.

Room Availability

This calendar shows when rooms are booked as best we know it.  Private events show as “busy” on the calendar. Rooms are available to members of ABNC and partner organizations on a first-come-first-serve basis and no fee will be charged for the use of the Center.

COVID-19 Guidelines at the MREC

There has been no public use of the Millers River Environmental Center building since the COVID-19 shutdown began in March. All groups and members that use the building were notified by President David Small that it would be closed, until the restrictions are lifted by the Town of Athol.  

Hygiene Protocols

  • A notice will be posted at each door in regard to protocols, social distancing and mask use in the building.
  • Masks will be used at all times when in the building
  • Hand sanitizer will be available at each door
  • Self -attesting health forms will be available at the entrances. (attached)
  • Provide hand-washing capabilities, frequent sanitization of high touch areas, including all equipment (computers, office work areas, restrooms, doorknobs)
  • Outdoor tools will be cleaned before returning to storage

Social Distancing

  • All persons will remain at least six feet apart to the extent possible,
  • Signage will encourage social distancing
  • Use of face coverings or masks for all

Outdoor Events/Indoor Events

  • Social distance will be maintained (no shared use of vehicles). Use of masks is encouraged when outdoors if social distancing can not be assured.
  • Group gatherings must be scheduled and approved by the building manager in advance. Pre–registration with contact information collected is expected to insure contact tracing if needed.
  • The size of the indoor group will be a limit of 15 (25% of building capacity).  Outdoor groups will be limited 8 participants and 2 guides.
  • Food sharing will not be allowed.
  • Equipment will not be shared. (binoculars, scopes)
  • Group leaders will be asked to clean/sanitize high risk areas or equipment according to procedures and training if supplies/equipment is used by a student. (Crafting, educational materials. Time allowed between classes for sanitizing)

Staffing and Operations

Should Volunteers or participants display COVID-19 like symptoms, they should NOT participate in MRENC activities.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

  • Establish and maintain cleaning protocols specific to the use of the building each week.
  • All areas will be cleaned, high risk areas will be sanitized as directed by the Building Supervisor and in consultation with Building Manager and guidelines as presented by EEA COVID-19 Restroom cleaning best Practices.
  • Restroom facilities should contain handwashing and/or sanitizer stations, and the public should use these stations following the use of the facilities.
  • Visitors should not expect trash disposal and recycling receptacles, Signage will

Indicate “Carry in/Carry Out policy” (lid-less trashcans are encouraged where possible)

Sign up for our 
Email Newsletter

We appreciate the cooperation of our neighbors: Mount Grace Land Trust, Northfield Bird Club, Northfield Mountain Recreation Center, Ware River Nature Club, Hampshire Bird Club for sharing their events with our members

    You should expect to receive about one email per week.

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