Photo by Ricard Flematti
Below you will find a collection of nature Based webinars sponsored by the Athol Bird & Nature Club and our partners. We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded a grant from the New England Grassroots Foundation to increase our community outreach. The webinar series are just a small piece of this effort.

Eric Eaton - “Birding is a Human Right"

Enjoying Back yard birds With Dave Small

A Chickadee’s Guide to Gardening Douglas W. Tallamy

Getting to know Spiders, Embrace the Halloween spirit with naturalist Allison Sumner

Two Tales of Floristic Change in Southern New England: Orchids and Northern Species – Robert Bertin

Forest Stand Improvement in the Quabbin Watershed" With Austin Gelinas.

Nature at NEECA – “A Nose Length Away” with Vidalia and Linda Leblanc

an Introduction to Dragonflies” with Dave Small

Conservation of Cliff and Barn Swallows

Jim Morelli - highlights with my experience monitoring an eagle nest from eggs to fledglings

Plankton Wars: An Innovative Analysis of Daphnia Genotype Biomanipulation for Algae Bloom Prevention

Merlin Sound ID with Grant Van Horn

Whip-poor-wills with Wildlife Biologist Jeff Larkin

“ “I SEE YOU”. My 4th book release. By Dale Monette

Beyond Birding: The Fun and Importance of 'Bugwatching - Eric R. Eaton

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Email Newsletter
We appreciate the cooperation of our neighbors: Mount Grace Land Trust, Northfield Bird Club, Northfield Mountain Recreation Center, Ware River Nature Club, Hampshire Bird Club for sharing their events with our members
You should expect to receive about one email per week.