2025 ABNC Calendar Error

An error was identified on two pages of the 2025 ABNC calendar. The starting day for August was shown as occurring on Saturday, when it should have been Friday. The starting day for September was shown as occurring on Tuesday when it should have been Monday.

There are several options for correcting this mistake:

  • Request corrected sheets with an adhesive back peel-off cover for each of the two months. Order your peel and stick replacement pages. Complete the form, including your mailing address and the number of calendars you are amending. The sheets will be sent to your address free of charge.

Simply download the corrected months, print, and either tape or glue the PDF copies over the impacted months. If you would like to have the PDF copies sent to your mailing address, please complete the form, including your mailing address and the number of calendars you are amending. The sheets will be sent to this address free of charge.

We regret this error and appreciate your continued support when purchasing this unique calendar.