As the days get shorter, students head back to school and birds – many of them, anyway – head south to warmer climes. This fall the Athol Bird and Nature Club will offer a number of opportunities to observe both fall migrants and resident birds

Jeff Johnstone will be leading the “Early Bird” sessions, meeting at the Millers River Environmental Center (100 Main St., Athol) at 7 a.m. every Sunday from September 1 through October 20. Birders carpool for these outings to a series of sites and are welcome to attend for an hour or all morning.

For two decades Johnstone has been guiding birders in observing migrating birds as they move through the North Quabbin Region. These informal trips are a long time favorite for beginner and advanced birders alike, offering an opportunity for folks to see where to find migrating birds and valuable assistance on how to identify them.



Joseph Superchi continues his popular “Second Tuesday” accessible birding sessions from 8-10 a.m. on September 10, October 8, November 12, and December 10, mee

ting at the Center before heading out to a variety of sites. Those wishing wheelchair van access can call ahead to 978-248-9491.

The birding year will end off with the Christmas Bird Count all day on December 14. This “citizen scientist” project is the longest continuously running compilation of bird data in the area. Contact ABNC president Dave Small (978-413-1772 or for additional information and to participate in this nationwide annual event.

The outings are sponsored by the Athol Bird and Nature Club, an active group of people sharing an appreciation of nature’s many forms. More information about the club is available on the web at New members are always welcome.