Make a Donation


The Athol Bird and Nature Club, organized in 1963 by Robert B. Coyle, Jr., is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. The Club is self-supporting, maintained and operated by volunteers. The Club is the managing partner of the Millers River Environmental Center.  Staffed programs run at the Center are funded by grants and generous donations from members and friends. Your donation may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. Consult with your tax advisor.

 Make a General or Memorial Donation to ABNC

The Athol Bird and Nature Club, organized in 1963 by Robert B. Coyle, Jr., is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. The Club is self-supporting, maintained and operated by volunteers. The Club is the managing partner of the Millers River Environmental Center.  Staffed programs run at the Center are funded by grants and generous donations from members and friends. Your donation may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. Consult with your tax advisor.

We invite you to make an online donation using the link below to support our environmental programs and initiatives, to support our occasional fundraisers, or in memory of Robert Coyle.

You may also send a donation at any time by check made out to ABNC and sent to us at:

100 Main Street
Athol, MA 01331-2222

Donations are used to support speakers at the monthly ABNC Club Meetings, other staffed programs run at the Environmental Center, the operation of the Center (heat and lights), and the care of ABNC’s Natural History collection.

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Email Newsletter

We appreciate the cooperation of our neighbors: Mount Grace Land Trust, Northfield Bird Club, Northfield Mountain Recreation Center, Ware River Nature Club, Hampshire Bird Club for sharing their events with our members

    You should expect to receive about one email per week.

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