Eagles at Clubhouse Sandy Mallet

Bald Eagles at Clubhouse Pond in Warwick by Sandy Mallet

NESTING BALD EAGLE SURVEY – State Ornithologist Drew Vitz is coordinating a statewide bald eagle nesting survey which is scheduled for Friday, April 4. The rain date is Friday, April 11. Staff and volunteers will be reporting on known nesting pairs and searching for new pairs near lakes and rivers where eagle sightings have been reported. Reports of known eagle pairs settling in to incubate were received from Webster Lake, and Quaboag Pond earlier in March. Contact Drew Vitz at the Field Headquarters at 508.389.6394 for details. Note: I am convinced we have one of more Bald Eagle nests yet to be discovered in the North Quabbin Region (North of Route 2) Please take time this week to observe where adult Bald Eagles are present and let me know (Dave@dhsmall.net) so we can concentrate the search on April 4th. Thanks in advance