Ten members and friends of the Athol Bird and Nature Club joined club president Dave Small searching for odonates (Dragonflies and Damselflies in the Millers River behind the Alan Rich Environmental Park in Athol. A beautiful late summer day greeting the observers as they walked the trails leading to the river. The water levels were extremely low for the season but we did manage to find a few Odonates to make the trip a success. Arrow Clubtail a species sought for the trip was netted by Max McPhee and shown to the group before releasing. Several American Rubyspots were noted the large damselflies with lovely red patches were observed at close range. Other Odonates included Eastern Forktail, Fragile Forktail, Powdered Dancer, Variable Dancer, Ebony Jewelwing, Swift River Cruiser, Black-shouldered Spiny-legs, 12-spotted Skimmer, Slaty Skimmer, and several darners not stopping to let us identify. Monarch, Eastern Comma, and Cabbage White Butterflies were noted. A Northern Water Snake was observed by many. Birds included Bald Eagle, Turkey Vultures, Spotted Sandpiper, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Gray Catbird, Carolina Wren, Eastern Kingbird, and Song Sparrow. Check out our calendar for future events. www.atholbirdclub.org