ABNC Birding
Photo by Marti Horman
The Birding Division of the Athol Bird and Nature Club has been an integral part of the club since the beginning. Bob Coyle, the club’s founder, routinely led birding walks during class time, and scheduled and ran numerous bird trips to many locations. The birding theme has been one of the main focal points of the club throughout its history, and continues today.
During the year, birding trips are taken to a number of locations – sometimes to the coast, at other times inland, and upon occasion, out-of-state. During the spring and fall, Jeff Johnstone has led local bird trips for the last two decades, and this continues today.
To augment the bird theme, the club has an extensive collection of mounted bird specimens, some large such as the Great Gray Owl, and others much smaller such as a Black-capped Chickadee or various warbler species. The collection aids in educating interested bird enthusiasts on bird identification and bird adaptations.
Bob Coyle had a unique way of facilitating the growth of the collection. When a bird specimen was found and given to Bob, students of his classes would contribute dimes, nickels and quarters to pay the taxidermist for the bird mount. Many of the mounted birds in the collection still have the original label listing the major contributor who paid for the mount.
Keep an eye out for upcoming trips and join us for an enjoyable day afield.
Birding Team

Dave Small
Birding Division
For over twenty-eight years, Dave has been the charismatic leader of the Club. His skills as a naturalist, trip leader, and presenter are in demand throughout New England. Through Dave’s efforts, the Center is recognized as the place to hold meetings that relate to natural history and the environment.

Ernie Leblanc
Birding Division
Ernie is a lifelong birder and naturalist; leader of club bird trips, and assist in maintaining and developing the Center’s inside and outside resources, including the native habitat gardens.

Jeff Johnstone
Trip Leader
Jeff is frequent leader of bird trips in the Quabbin area. He leads weekly walks during both spring and fall migration.
Mark Taylor
Birding Division
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Email Newsletter
We appreciate the cooperation of our neighbors: Mount Grace Land Trust, Northfield Bird Club, Northfield Mountain Recreation Center, Ware River Nature Club, Hampshire Bird Club for sharing their events with our members
You should expect to receive about one email per week.